Real Estate Auctions and Property Management

Chuck is a licensed real estate broker and has successfully conducted hundreds of auctions through the years.
A real estate auction is a public sale of properties, whether it is a house, land, timberland, farm or commercial property.

Real Estate auctions work well in many scenarios, including estate settlements, downsizing, divorce settlements, business liquidations, corporate relocations and when timing issues are paramount.

We are a real estate broker and believe our role is to advise people on the best way to market their property.

Most properties are suitable for auction, such as residential, commercial, vacant land, and boat slips. Whether you are considering the sale of traditional realty or a unique tract, a real estate auction may be a viable solution.

Our extensive marketing campaign ensures your property is showcased to all potential buyers. By simultaneously using the on-line HiBid auction platform and the live in-person/on-site auction we attract bidders countrywide. This results in an exciting bidding experience and a successful sale.

Benefits to Sellers

  • Sell property quickly. In most circumstances sellers are able to settle in 30 days.

  • Property is sold ‘as is’, whereby you eliminate the haggle over inspections, contingencies and appraisals. 

  • You take control of the sales process, date, time, as well as terms and conditions; and as the seller, you reserve the right to approve the final winning bid.  

Is timing an issue?

If you require immediate action for the sale of property, possibly for a job change, 1031 exchange, or selling multiple properties due to a farm division or estate settlement, a real estate auction may be an excellent alternative.

While we are realtors we are flexible to work with other agents.

An extension of our real estate specialty services includes Property Management Services.

About Us

Chuck Nance

Broker, Owner and Auctioneer

Licensed in North Carolina and Virginia